

  • age: 45 springs

  • gender: non-binary (he/him)

  • sexuality: grayromantic homosexual

  • Nameday: 13th sun of the 5th Astral Moon

  • Race: Dalmascan / Rava Viera

  • Partner(s): None yet... Unless...

  • Protector: won't say

  • Alignment: true neutral

  • Occupation: machinist, linguist, translator & cartographer


Extroverted / Introverted
Close Minded / Open Minded
Calm / Anxious
Disagreeable / Agreeable
Cautious / Reckless
Patient / Impatient
Leader / Follower
Empathetic / Apathetic
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Hard-working / Lazy
Cultured / Uncultured
Loyal / Disloyal
Faithful / Unfaithful


Mylo likes to think of himself as three things; professional, pragmatic, and diligent, and he takes great pains to present himself as such. Underneath his carefully crafted persona is a free spirit who grew up riding sky trails on a manacutter, and Mylo has had trouble letting go of that sense of freedom ever since he decided to become a scholar.When it comes to many things others covet—wealth, love, pleasure— Mylo's interest borders on apathetic. His appetite for learning, however, is nigh on insatiable, and his personality can become entitled when someone stands between him and the subject of his fixation. He is not above using more unconventional methods to get what he wants, though his sense of ambition has not yet found a foothold beyond his own personal education.At his core, Mylo is a good person, and he wants to make his loved ones proud of what he has achieved. He is observant and quick to notice change, and prides himself on being ready to support others before they ask for aid. His loyalty is worth its weight in gold, and though he can be a bit of a brat at times, he is very sweet to his friends— often going out of his way to bring them tokens and trinkets from his various travels.

Professional / Pragmatic / Diligent
Observant / Cunning / Apathetic


  • reading

  • writing

  • collecting tomes


  • worn parchment

  • cloudy skies

  • used quills

  • spilt ink


  • Has a habit of taking pages from books of people he's met, as a way to remember them.


The past

Like many of his kin, Mylo was born in the jungles of Golmore. Unlike many of his kin, he was born with a weak body, and as he grew his mother began to dread his coming of age. When his twelfth nameday passed and Mylo was revealed to be a jack, his mother’s worst fears were realized. Before the men could come and claim him as a Wood Warder, his mother took him and fled to Dalmasca—choosing to abandon the Green Word instead of letting her son die.The little family lived together in the slums as Vera and Mylo Tazim, and as he grew older, Mylo desperately wanted a better life for himself and his mother. What scraps of learning he could manage allowed him to get work as an assistant to a map maker, stealing pages out of manuscripts and tomes to teach himself how to read. When he tried to steal a valuable tome from a mysterious patron of his master’s shop, the patron held him at gunpoint, revealing himself to be a sky pirate. Even at gunpoint Mylo refused to give up the tome, leaving the sky pirate to realize that Mylo had potential and offering him a spot as a cartographer on the crew of the Sterling Hawk.As a sky pirate, Mylo found himself surrounded by new experiences. New languages, new trades, and new relationships, for the crew of the Hawk quickly took a liking to him. The pirate who had recruited Mylo—the mysterious Haytham—took a particular liking to him: teaching Mylo how to use a gun and take care of himself as a fledgling privateer of the sky. Soon enough Haytham swept Mylo off his feet, but their blossoming relationship was put under duress by the captain of the Sterling Hawk—Captain Hollsygg.Before Mylo’s arrival, Captain Hollsygg had begun to turn abusive towards the crew—ordering raids on the poor, disobeying the pirate’s code, and forcing them to work to exhaustion. When the abuse began to turn towards Mylo, the crew finally decided mutiny was the only way forward. One night, after the crew had stopped at an inn, Haytham locked Mylo in his inn room and sabotaged the engine of his manacutter. By the time Mylo was able to break out of his room, the Sterling Hawk was long gone.A deeply hurt Mylo attempted to return to his former life in Dalmsca, but a few months later a brutal Garlean invasion robbed him of his mother Vera, the only family he had left. Bereft of purpose and grieving the loss of his mother, Mylo joined the Bozjan Resistance to strengthen his knowledge of languages: allowing him to become a fully-fledged translator and linguist. He stayed in Bozja as a translator for a few years until an attack on the camp he was in gave him permanent lung damage, ending in an honorable discharge from service. Not having anywhere else to go, Mylo called on his former crew and they answered, picking him up and allowing him to recover aboard the Sterling Hawk.In the aftermath of the mutiny Haytham became acting Captain and used his connections to get Mylo a most unusual mask—allowing Mylo to regain his former quality of life. As for what he would do with that life, Mylo struggled to find the answer, until the newly opened borders of Sharalayn reminded him of a promise made to his mother as a kit— to always remain 'sweet.'

The Present

At present, Mylo has once again found himself in the company of his beloved crew, but old wounds are not so easily healed. Although Haytham continues to try to get Mylo back into the crew (as well as rekindle their former relationship), Mylo has instead decided to set his sights on an academic career in Sharlayan as 'Mylo Sweet'; a persona born to honor the last wishes of his mother to take on honest work. The crew of the Sterling Hawk has decided to support him in his new endeavor. Unfortunately, however, their lack of finesse—unintentional or otherwise—tends to hinder more than it helps.



Vera Tazim

status | deceased motherVera was Mylo's mother, a Rava Viera from the Golmore Jungle.Known in her tribe as a strong and proud huntress, Vera lived a normal life among her people until the birth of her first kit. The babe was born weak and frail, and as the kit's coming of age grew closer, Vera was overcome with the fear of losing her child. After the kit was revealed to be a jack, Vera fled her homeland, choosing to start over in Dalmasca.After Mylo joined the Sterling Hawk, Vera was able to live more comfortably and moved out of the slums, spending her remaining years enjoying simple pleasures in life. Unfortunately, Vera met an untimely end in a Garlean raid, urging her son to "stay sweet" before passing away.


status | old flameHaytham is Mylo's "ex-boyfriend," a Wildwood Elezen (?) of dubious origins.Little is known of Haytham's life before his pirate career, and that is the way Haytham prefers to keep it. Never seen without head covering of some sort, the elezen is well-liked among his crew despite his shrouded past, and in return Haytham is loyal, protecting his people no matter the costs.He is an excellent and charismatic leader, but has a tendency to expect deference from others. Mylo's defiance of this expectation piques and provokes Haytham in equal measure. Despite currently being at odds with each other, Haytham still has a soft spot for Mylo—as well as a possessive streak that rivals the expanse of the Ruby Sea.


- Sharlayan- Current place of residence
- The Bozjan Southern Front- Former Resistance Translator
-The Sterling Hawk- Former Cartographer
- Dalmasca- Childhood home
- Golmore Jungle- Place of birth


citation needed

common | slice of life
Mylo lacks both the experiences and the network necessary to get ahead in Sharlayan, and has struggled to get anything better than assistant work. Depending on your ethics, you might persuade him to aid in your own work for little in return... provided he gets the credentials he desires.

Lost in Translation

common | adventure
Mylo is interested in living cultures and languages, especially those that have yet to be studied by academia. If your adventure involves talking to unknown peoples, charting undiscovered lands, or the promise of rare artifacts, Mylo would be more than willing to tag along.

Applied medicine

common | health
Mylo has permanent lung damage from his time in Bozja and gets winded from intense battle, even with the help of his mask. If you are experienced with conjury, dabble in medicinal arts, or have similar scars of war, he would be interested in making your acquitance.

Give me a sign

common | slice of life
Though he is usually converses through verbal speech, Mylo is fluent in both Dalmascan and Sharalayan sign language and is interested in learning more regional variants. If you happen to know sign language and would be willing to teach, he’d be more than happy to talk your hands off over a cup of coffee.

A Pirate's Life

special | illicit
Though he claims his sky pirate ties are a part of his past, Mylo still associates with his former crew and enjoys hanging around in seedy establishments. If you would like to discuss more discreet matters of business, he will gladly do so on behalf of his crew. Or himself, if a rare tome is being offered.

Ill-gotten gains

special | intrigue
The mask Mylo wears is of mysterious origin. It uses alchemy and white magic to ease one's pains, and is clearly of Hannish-Sharlayan make from its design. Even Haytham is unsure where it came from. Perhaps it is something you might recognize, or has previously belonged to you?

Unspoken Desires

special | romance
When it comes to matters of romance Mylo is quick to be dismissive, but deep inside he craves a connection to someone beyond physical intimacy. Unfortunately, a lack of experience had made Mylo unsure of what he wants. Perhaps you'd be interested in helping him uncover his heart's truest desires?

Whispers of Green

special | cultural
Despite his short time in the Golmore Jungle, at times Mylo feels he can hear the whispers of somone on the wind, beckoning him back home. Though he knows he can never return, Mylo still yearns to honor some part of his heritage, and wishes to find companionship among his kin.

Seeking contacts that are:

  • Expeditioners

  • Fellow viera

  • Scholars (aspiring or learned)

  • Those who know sign language

  • Sky pirates

  • criminal "business" associates



  • Open to in-game RP and character plotting! please message me on discord before starting any rp.

  • Paragraph/multi-paragraph preferred.

  • Can RP in dungeons with light and/or full RP parties!

  • Explicit mutual consent is required for anything that is a dealbreaker, even if it doesn't happen to my character.

  • 21+ rp partners only.

  • Though Mylo is open for romance, OOC discussion is an absolute requirement before a romantic thread is pursued. flirting, however, is highly encouraged <3

  • Absolutely no racism, sexism, ableism, or homophobia of any kind. Referring to in-game prejudices as existing is okay, but directing those attitudes toward Mylo is not. Ask me OOC if you are unsure.

  • IC and OOC are separate! please treat them as such.

general guide

- slice of life- gore
- casual adventure & dungeons- lore breaking (bending is okay!)
- story-driven- grimdark storylines
- character progression-excessive violence
- drama/mystery/intrigue-erp*
- platonic/romantic relationships- pvp*
- Found family- emotional manipulation
- long-term stories/partners- character injury/death
- +21 y/o rp partners- meta-game and god-game
- est timezone- mixing ic and ooc
- /party chat preferred when in public, non-rp spaces- characters that cannot travel to city-states/residential districts

*may be permissible with ooc discussion beforehand


  • basics: cap | 28 | autistic | they/them

  • server: primal | leviathan

  • timezone: est

  • discord: knightblooms

Hello hello! My name is Cap and I'm a librarian, artist, and lover of all things soft and cartoony. I enjoy RP a lot and am looking to find serious RP partners! I enjoy arts & crafts, making moodboards/playlists, video games, reading, and watching bad movies!

Other Characters

Lore Gallery


Romancing Mylo

Though he does not "do" romance, Mylo craves intimate contact and the security of a partner who will be there for him when he is in need.


  • Likes dominant partners, but is turned off by aggression.

  • Into bad boys, gruff loners, salacious flirts, and those who walk on the wrong side of the tracks.

  • Prefers relationships with co-workers/people he frequently works with.

  • Values his freedom, isn't looking for something too committed.

  • Needs his space and prefers alone time to recharge/pursue his own interests, but is fiercely loyal to current partners.

  • Has a preference for viera, elezen, and au ra men.

  • loves when partners are taller/bigger than him.

  • Has trouble with verbal affection, way more comfortable with physical displays (though he is fine with verbal affection from partners).

  • Has no time for subtlety or lack of honesty and expects the same of a partner.

  • His tail wiggles when a partner does something he likes, much to his embarrassment.


  • Mylo is functionally polyamorous, but other partners don't have to be referenced according to RP partner preferences.

  • As his first lover, Haytham will always have a presence in Mylo's story, but his current role can be changed according to RP partner preferences.

  • Mylo is grayromantic, so he will not be overtly romantic and may balk at romantic gestures. If you're unsure about his likes or dislikes, please ask!!

  • Mature / Erotic RP is OK in romance with a trusted rp partner, but OOC discussion of preferences and boundaries beforehand is non-negotiable!!

  • absolutely no erp with strangers or in public places. this includes rp venues.

  • No Lalafells.

  • All shipping, regardless of canon or AU, must be discussed with me prior.